First of all it’s super easy to grow, seeds go right into the dirt and keep moist until they are sprouted.
Second, cilantro is very tasty in soups, salads, and salsa!
Third and most wonderful, if you plant a lot and let it flower your garden will be full of bees!!!! And we all know the pollinating power of bees! This year I have a 4′ row of solid cilantro and bees galore! Almost ever blossom of tomato, and peppers and eggplant and zucchini have been pollinated! In previous years I have had to do the zucchini and some peppers by hand. It’s so much better to have the bees do it!
If you haven’t yet discovered how essential bees are to our food sources please visit
or read up on honey bees and the *essential* role they play in our food supply!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sara Murray