September 1, 2010

Indoor Garden 2010 IN!

Hi everyone, It has been hard to keep the posts coming when there is so much to do in the summer! I found it much easier to post when I was trapped indoors just wishing it was summer. šŸ™‚ That being said, I have started my indoor garden 2.0! This garden contains things that I […]

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September 1, 2010

Yellow Onion Fiasco

Planting the yellow globe onions was a breeze. Watching the green shoots come up, also a breezeā€¦ The trouble started when grass also sprouted around the green onion shoots. I could not tell them apart very well and when I tried to weed I inevitably ruined onions. So I stopped. šŸ™ Combine that with a […]

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Back and Landscaping like crazy!

Hi everyone! I have been out of touch recently due to the dance studio recital finishing up and a huge landscaping project! I used to have these huge ugly evergreen bushes right out my front door. They were ugly, they smelled gross and all they were good for was a rabbit hutch, which in turn […]

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Petunias From Seed

I started some petunias from seed this year and I learned a lot about them! They are picky little things! They need the soil to be very very warm to germinate. So a seed tray warming pad is essential. I thought that most of mine were duds until they sat outside in a 90 degree […]

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Transplanting the seedlings :)

So I was able to harden the seedlings successfully! Normally thatā€™s when I kill things. Generally I forget about them and then they die from over exposure. This time I was meticulous about how much time they were out each day and brought them in properly. The only thing that happened was a little sunburn […]

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Four eggs for the House Finches!

The house finches have laid 4 eggs and they are just the smallest little fragile things!!! I canā€™t wait to hear the little chirps of the babies in about a week or so. It takes about 14 days for an egg to hatch. Theyā€™ve been there for over a week so I am thinking it […]

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I planted some strawberry plants a few years ago and all we ever got was one single strawberry from them. NOW they are very happy and producing many berries! They are so delicious. Store-bought strawberries are NOTHING compared to the flavor you get from growing your own. I have them in the center of my […]

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Indoor Tomatoes Have Fruit!

My indoor tomatoes have fruit on them! I had to pollinate them myself when they had blossoms. I have never done this before but I must have done it right because the tomatoes came. šŸ™‚ I did it with a spoon so I could catch the pollen and redistribute it to the other blossoms without […]

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Radish Harvest!

I harvested the first of the radishes the other day! They were pretty small, but the rows needed thinning anyway. They were VERY tasty. Not as spicy as I would like, but at least my daughter can have some then too. The type of radish I got was a ā€œCherry Belleā€ They are a solid […]

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It is the House Finches!

The House Finches that have nested in my entry way hanging basket for the past 4 years are BACK! I had seen the nest pop up virtually over night because we had some cold weather and I was bringing the basket in the garage over night so it wouldnā€™t freeze. I went to move it […]

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